Research groups
Entorhino-hippocampal Neuronal Network Research Group
Csaba Varga ( assistant professor) E-mail:
Tel.: +36 (72) 536-000 (ext: 29143)
Research interest

Our mission is to find basic circuit mechanisms in the temporal cortex underlining the coding of memory traces and spatial information. We also interrogate how pathological brain activities may evolve from “normal” activities. We are particularly interested in how specific interneuronal populations -or even individual neurons- take part in commanding the neuronal networks.

Clinical relevance

Epilepsy, Alzheimer disease

Behavioral experiments
Light microscopy

Representative publications
Functional fission of parvalbumin interneuron classes during fast network events. Varga C., Oijala M., Lish J., Szabo G.G., Bezaire M., Marchionni I., Golshani P., Soltesz I.
eLife (2014/3: e04006.)
DOI | PubMed | Scopus
Molecular and electrophysiological characterization of GABAergic interneurons expressing the transcription factor COUP-TFII in the adult human temporal cortex. Varga C., Tamas G., Barzo P., Olah S., Somogyi P.
Cerebral Cortex (2015/25(11): 4430–4449.)
DOI | PubMed | Scopus
Extended interneuronal network of the dentate gyrus. Szabo G.G., Du X., Oijala M., Varga C., Parent J.M., Soltesz I.
Cell Reports (2017/20(6): 1262-1268.)
DOI | PubMed | Scopus
Frequency-invariant temporal ordering of interneuronal discharges during hippocampal oscillations in awake mice. Varga C., Golshani P., Soltesz I.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2012/109(40): E2726-2734.)
DOI | PubMed | Scopus
Target-selective GABAergic control of entorhinal cortex output. Varga C., Lee S.Y., Soltesz I.
Nature Neuroscience (2010/13(7): 822-824.)
DOI | PubMed | Scopus

Hungarian Brain Research Program (2014, 600k Euro)