Health related fitness of different age groups. Immunological and hormonal status in accordance with physical activity. Healthy ageing and the fitness status of adult and elderly population in correlation with different molecular cascades. Physical activity related salivary and blood markers (hormonal, muscle, immunological) are investigated among athletes in different sports and the relationships between biomarkers and sportphysiological parameters (VO2max, RQ, maximal torque). Muscle performance, muscle force, adaptation to different movements and physical activity types.
Sport performance measurement, sport talents identification, investigation and prevention of overtraining of athletes. Muscle injury prevention, identification of muscle and core stability asymmetry.
GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00047 Analitikai és diagnosztikai kutatási kiválósági központ az egészség és a sportteljesítmény szolgálatában”
TÁMOP-4.2.2.D-15/1/KONV-2015-0009 E-HEALTH fejlesztéseket megalapozó kardiológiai, diagnosztikai, genetikai kutatások ösztönzése a PTE-n
NAP Program