Research interest
The aim of the project is to study in the CNS limbic structures the role of monoamines and neuropeptides in hunger and satiety mechanisms and to reveal their role in the regulation of learning-reinforcing processes and memory. In different behavioral paradigms (open field, active and passive avoidance tests, elevated plus maze and place preference tests, Morris water maze test for navigation in space, operant conditioning) effects of orexigenic and anorexigenic peptides (orexins, RF-amides and bombesin-like peptides) and the role of other neuropeptides (substance P, neurotensin, oxytocin) involved in the regulation of reinforcement are examined. Interactions of peptides with monoamines (dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin) are also studied. Detailed behavioral analyses on MAM-E17 schizophrenia rat model are executed. By means of tetrode technology electrophysiological correlates of reward prediction and neuronal coding of sensorimotor gating are examined.
Clinical relevance
Results of the project serve the better understanding of feeding related diseases such as obesity and anorexia nervosa, and contribute to unravel the mechanisms of addictive behavior, memory formation and consolidation. Studies on the MAM-E17 schizophrenia model may add new data for understanding of behavioral symptoms of the disease. Electrophysiological data will cast light on the distinct processes of learning, reward prediction and sensorimotor gating. Results of the neurochemical experiments may stress the development of new target molecules for neuropharmacological treatments.
Active and passive avoidance test Conditioned taste aversion Conventional histology Direct intracerebral microinjection Elevated plus maze test Feeding, drinking and body weight measurements Field potential recording method Glucose tolerance test HPLC measurements Immunohistology Instrumental conditioning Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MEMRI) Microdialysis and reverse microdialysis Multibarrel microiontophoretic and micropressure methods New object recognition test Open-field test Place preference and avoidance test Radial maze test Stereotaxic operation Tetrode technology
Representative publications
Hemokinin-1 mediates anxiolytic and anti-depressant-like actions in mice.
Borbely E., Hajna Z., Nabi L., Scheich B., Tekus V., Laszlo K., Ollmann T., Kormos V., Gaszner B., Karadi Z., Lenard L., Paige C.J., Quinn J.P., Szolcsanyi J., Pinter E., Keeble J., Berger A., Helyes Z.
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
(2017/59: 219-232. )
PubMed |
Neuronal coding of auditory sensorimotor gating in medial prefrontal cortex.
Toth A., Petyko Z., Galosi R., Szabo I., Karadi K., Feldmann A., Peczely L., Kallai V., Karadi Z., Lenard L.
Behavioural Brain Research
(2017/326: 200-208.)
PubMed |
Role of D2 dopamine receptors of the ventral pallidum in inhibitory avoidance learning.
Lenard L., Ollmann T., Laszlo K., Kovacs A., Galosi R., Kallai V., Toth A., Kertes E., Zagoracz O., Karadi Z., Peczely L.
Behavioural Brain Research
(2017/321: 99-105.)
PubMed |
Substance P and neurotensin in the limbic system: The roles in reinforcement and memory consolidation.
Lenard L., Laszlo K., Kertes E., Ollmann T., Peczely L., Kovacs A., Kallai V., Zagoracz O., Galosi R., Karadi Z.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
(2018/85: 1-20.)
The MAM-E17 schizophrenia rat model: Comprehensive behavioral analysis of pre-pubertal, pubertal and adult rats.
Kallai V., Toth A., Galosi R., Peczely L., Ollmann T., Petyko Z., Laszlo K., Kallai J., Szabo I., Karadi Z., Lenard L.
Behavioural Brain Research
(2017/332: 75-83.)
PubMed |
Supported by EFOP-3.6.1-2016-00004, University of Pécs, Medical School (PTE ÁOK PD-2-16-06) the European Union and the State of Hungary, co-financed by the European Social Funding the framework of SROP-4.2.4.A/2-11/1-2012-0001 ‘National Excellence program of the Ministry on Human Capacities, the ÚNKP-16-3-III New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.